Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991 ('CRA') it is inappropriate to use tests with either race or sex norms in the employment domain. No new norms were collected for the MMPI-2-RF. Because the MMPI-2-RF instrument appears to be classified as a medical examination under the ADA, it must be administered subsequent to a conditional offer of employment being tendered by an employer. Sono descritte le procedure seguite per l’adattamento in lingua italiana del MMPI-2-RF, per la costruzione delle tabelle di conversione dei punteggi grezzi in punti T tarati per il. The MMPI-2-RF T scores are non-gendered and non-K-corrected. Norm Group: The MMPI-2-RF normative sample is drawn from the MMPI-2 normative sample and consists of 2, 276 men and women between the ages of 18 and 80 from several regions and diverse communities in the U.S. Minimum Reading Level: 5th grade (Lexile average), 4.5 grade (Flesch-Kincaid) Administration: Computer, CD, or paper-and-pencil Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
Test Authors: Yossef Ben-Porath, Ph.D., and Auke Tellegen, Ph.D.
The MMPI-2-RF, like all MMPI instruments, is available for purchase from Pearson Assessments. The MMPI-2-RF, published in 2008, is a 338–item self-report measure linked conceptually and empirically to modern theories and models of psychopathology and personality.